Bunny Baxter’s Ultimate Easter Sunday Lunch

Easter Bunny Easter Sunday Lunch Cook

Guest poster – Bunny Baxter here: Rabbit featuring on your Easter Sunday lunch menu?

I certainly hope not. (Well, not unless it’s the Easter Bunny shaped chocolate kind). I know I don’t plan on becoming a hot cross bun – see what I did there – anytime soon, thank you. (To view my Easter Bunny post, click here).

None the less, here in the UK, the Easter weekend festivities often culminate in the act of sharing Easter Sunday lunch with the family. I’m not referring to all that gorging yourself on chocolate eggs malarkey – that doesn’t count as a meal, sadly. Booo! No, in between the excessive chocolate consumption, proper sustenance is needed. This Easter Sunday lunch jazz, usually, consists of meat and two vegetables, or what us Brits like to affectionately call, a ‘roast’. Traditionally, the meat served up is lamb, what with it being spring and all.

Easter Bunny Easter Sunday Lunch Chef

Now, being a rabbit, I don’t hold any carnivorous tendencies, but I do like the idea of participating in the Easter Sunday lunch tradition (again, not in the ‘finding myself being cooked up for lunch’ way).

You see, I don’t want the meat element, but there’s nothing to stop me indulging in some lovely spring vegetables; spring cabbage, new season carrots, that sort of thing. Your standard rabbity favourites. The trick here, is to turn almost everyday bunny staples into special occasion fare. I’ve often found, the key to elevating vegetables, from side dish into main meal, lies in getting creative with different flavours and textures. All Jamie Oliver like – (get some inspiration from the fella here).

I’ve had a play around with a few different seasonings myself, and think I’ve created a yummy dish, fit for an Easter bunny. Who isn’t going in the pot!

What’s on your menu this Easter? Hopefully not rabbit!